Hearty Meat Sauce Casserole

This decadent dish isn’t for the person on a weight loss regimen! Dating back to 1950, an age of blissful dietary innocence before cholesterol became a scary household word and liver was considered health food (and eating liver was a considered sign of being grown up), this kid-pleasing, tongue-coating, pantry-staple recipe will surprise you with […]

Twas The Night Before Church Plant-Based Stroganoff

Sure to emit lots of malodorous, sulfur-containing gaseous metabolic by-products thanks to its plant-based protein, this Mennonite recipe adapted for Beyond Beef crumbles is sure to guarantee you a pew of your own. Oh, by the way, it’s insanely delicious. You’ll need: 6-8 oz. medium noodles or egg noodles½ cup onions, finely chopped2 Tbsp. butter1 […]